In October, Triviet Steel Buildings Co., Ltd collaborated with the Maritime Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MSB) to conduct a cancer screening program for employees at Triviet Steel Buildings

Tri Viet Steel collaborates with MSB Bank to organize cancer screening tests for employees.
Triviet Steel Buildings collaborates with MSB Bank to organize cancer screening tests for employees.

The screening program focuses on early detection of common cancers, providing effective treatment opportunities, and improving the survival rate of patients. High-quality tests and examinations are conducted by a team of top doctors and healthcare experts, offering participants a comprehensive view of their health.

Hoạt động được thực hiện bởi đội ngũ y bác sĩ và chuyên gia y tế hàng đầu
The activity is conducted by a team of top doctors and healthcare experts.

This cancer screening initiative is a practical effort to enhance the health of company employees, demonstrating Triviet Steel Buildings commitment to caring for the health and well-being of its workforce.

 Nhà Thép Trí Việt luôn có tiêu chí quan tâm và chăm lo đời sống sức khỏe cho các nhân viên
Triviet Steel Buildings always prioritizes and cares for the health and well-being of its employees.

The program has received positive responses from employees, contributing significantly to improving their health and fostering a healthy and efficient working environment.